About EMRC
About Emergency Medical Rescue College
EMRC started training emergency medical care practitioners and rescue technicians in partnership with UNESWA and its accredited by the Eswatini Higher Education Council and recognised by the Eswatini Medical and Dental Council.
Our Vision
Pioneering spacialised Emergency Medical Care and Rescue training that qualifies for efficient patient accessibility and quality management and to be a leader in safety and health issues, rules and regulations.
Our Mission
To be the provider of quality patient oriented training that bwill be evidence-based from a scientific philosophy and learning approach and to offer premier occupational safety and health training designed to reduce workplace injuries and illness thus promoting client profitability and reputation [OR to set the standard in occupational safety and health training, industrial and community hygiene and workplace risk management by fostering Thinking, Communicating and working safely and Healthily every minute, every hour and every day].
Our Values
As a College, We pledge ourselves to:
- Promote access to learning that will expand educational and employment opportunities.
- Embrace our responsibility as an institution to support and contribute to national and reginal development, for the welfare and upliftment of the wider community, through the generation and dissemination of knowledge and the production of socially-responsible graduates.
- Manage and run our institution of in conscious awareness of the environment, and foster a culture of responsible, ethical and sustainable use of natural resources.
- Conduct ourselves according to the highest ethical standards, and provide education that promote an awareness of sound ethical practice in a diverse society.
- Ensure effective governance through broad and inclusive participation, accountability, and transparency that serve as an example that contributes to building the ethos of the country.
- Acknowledge the value of the individual by promoting the intellectual, social and personal well-being of staff and students through tolerance and respect for diverse culture, religions and social values.